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Signs He Is No Longer Interested In You (5 Warning Signs)

Signs he is no longer interested in you
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There are warning signs that can clearly state when a guy is no longer interested in you. You either accept it that way or find a way to sort things out.

If a guy has an interest in you and wants a serious relationship, without being told you will feel it by his actions.

A guy who is still interested in you will always be there when you text, call, or sound worried. But if the case is reversed he begins to form an attitude that might rather leave you on the edge.

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Nevertheless, before a guy loses interest in you, you must have shown him how incompetent you are.

Don’t misunderstand me here okay, most times the fault is always from the girls.

Signs he is no longer interested in you,

A girl who has absolutely nothing to offer in a relationship except some boring s£x who always meets this type of guy.

I always advise ladies to be their own boss. Make a name for yourself, don’t let him feel without him you can’t do anything.

Foot your bills nothing will happen, there’s a type of respect that comes when you have your own money.

Most guys after having intimacy with girls they begin to lose interest in her, which shows you it was their main motive.

Some of these signs that show a guy is no longer interested in you are pretty clear but love can render you blind not to see them.

5 Warning Signs he is no longer interested in having a relationship with you.

It’s okay to make an effort to see that your relationship works. But if after all said and done nothing positive comes out of it, let it go.

When you meet the right person, you don’t need to force the feelings. They’re gonna love you naturally with no intentions of letting you go.

1. He doesn’t care to call or text anymore.

This is the first sign you notice from a guy who is no longer interested in you, they make it look like they’re carrying the world on their shoulders.

Don’t be deceived, a guy who loves and wants you in his life would always make time to call or text.

Every time you complain about his recent behavior, he tells you he will make it up to you. Every time he’s always busy with one thing or another.

Do you want to know the truth? It’s all a lie! That’s one of the signs you will notice if he doesn’t find you Interesting anymore.

When he noticed you no longer call him, he feels you understood the signs.

2. You force him to spend time with you.

Look, a man who wants you in his life doesn’t need to be forced. The moment you realize that his attention towards you is divided or he pays less attention to things that are about you, then it’s another sign (signs) that he’s no longer interested in you.

Forcing him won’t change anything, instead, you keep building his ego. In his mind, you would assume you can’t do without him.

3. His body language changes towards you.

A man whose only purpose is to get you in bed all the time doesn’t love you.

If you ignore some of these little signs you would be shocked to hear him say you two were just passing time with each other.

If he truly loves you, he would strive very hard to keep you safe and sound because he’s scared to lose you.

Although these signs that show when a man is no longer interested in you can sometimes come late if the man is the trickish type.

Don’t be blinded by love and not see the handwriting on the wall.!

4. He avoids talking about the future with you, he simply dwells on the present.

On several occasions, if you try to talk about what the future holds for you guys and he sweeps the topic on the math, it’s a sign.

As someone who has good planning for both of you, it’s right to reminisce on the future.

But when he looks somewhat terrified or uninterested in the topic, just know that he doesn’t see a future with you.

5. He’s always in a hurry to see you off.

One of the clear signs to know when a guy is no longer interested in you is when he simply wants you gone after intimacy.

He tells you he has an urgent meeting or appointment to catch up with and he won’t be able to stay longer, you should start going.

When you notice this, don’t feel bad just know he wasn’t the one for you and life continues.
